The set of dashboards developed by IR answers a variety of questions that are presented across campus. Many dashboards support operational reporting while others cover topics such as enrollment, retention, graduation, and the student experience.
Please be aware that access to any IR DataInsights dashboard is limited to users with a legitimate need for the data to perform University business.
Access to our dashboards should be requested through the links below the dashboard names or our Contact form.
Dashboards are shown below in two categories: those that are part of the University Commons area and those within the IR DataInsights project.
DataInsights Commons Dashboards
The DataInsights Commons is a collection of verified and validated dashboards that can be accessed by designated internal audiences. IR has several dashboards in the Commons collection where users can view data.

IR Completions
Institutional Reporting Team
(Comment about this dashboard)
Syracuse University’s completions data throughout the last ten years as reported annually to NCES via the IPEDS Completions survey.

IR Fall Census Enrollment
Institutional Reporting Team
(Comment about this dashboard)
Five years of Syracuse University’s official IPEDS Fall Census Enrollment data.

IR Per-Term Military-Connected Enrollment
Institutional Reporting Team
(Comment about this dashboard)
Syracuse University’s Term Census Military Enrollment for the past six years.

OIR Graduate Admitted Students Questionnaire
Research Team
(Comment about or request access to this dashboard)
Data collected in the 2021-22 Graduate Admitted Student Questionnaires done in partnership with The Graduate School

OIR Syracuse Departers Dashboard
Research Team
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Data on first-time, full-time undergraduates who started in the fall between 2011 and 2016 and were not still enrolled nor had graduated as of spring 2022.

OIR University Retention and Graduation Dashboard
Admissions Reporting Team and Research Team
(Comment about or request access to this dashboard)
Retention and graduation rates for fall cohorts of first-time, full-time undergraduates back to 2007.

OIR Undergraduate Admitted Student Questionnaire
Research Team
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Data collected in the 2020-22 Admitted Student Questionnaires done in partnership with the Office of Admissions.
Other Completed Dashboards
IR has a variety of other dashboards created for designated internal audiences. Access to some of these dashboards is restricted.
Academic Strategic Plan Faculty Survey
Research Team
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The Academic Strategic Plan Faculty Survey was created to help Syracuse University establish a baseline for assessing progress on key commitments made in the Academic Strategic Plan. The questions address faculty research or creative endeavors; teaching, advising, and student mentoring; and engagement with broader communities.
ADM UGRD INTL Consistency Dashboard
(Collection: ADM UGRD International Reports)
Admissions Reporting Team
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Summary of international and abroad population application and admission information for use by the Admissions international team.
CFO IPEDS Peer Comparison Dashboard
Research Team
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Collection of historical IPEDS financial data for Syracuse and peer schools
ECS GEMC MATR-ADRV Schlrshp Eligible Info Dashboard
(Collection: Graduate School ADM Reports)
Admissions Reporting Team
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Matriculation status and scholarship eligibility information for School of Engineering and Computer Science graduate applicants for use by The Graduate School.
GEMC Forever Orange Schlrshp Eligible Dashboard
(Collections: Schl/Coll ADM GEMC Reports; Graduate School ADM Reports)
Admissions Reporting Team
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Information about Forever Orange Scholarship eligible applicants for use by The Graduate School.
GEMC Summary Sheet Curr Application Status Dashboard
(Collection: Schl/Coll ADM GEMC Reports)
Admissions Reporting Team
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Graduate applicant lists and summary sheets for all schools and colleges.
GEMC Curr Application Status Dashboard
(Collections: Schl/Coll ADM GEMC Reports; Graduate School ADM Reports)
Admissions Reporting Team
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Graduate applicant information based on current term and current application status for all schools and colleges.
IST GEMC MATR-ADRV Schlrshp Eligible Info Dashboard
(Collection: Graduate School ADM Reports)
Admissions Reporting Team
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Matriculation status and scholarship eligibility information for School of Information Studies graduate applicants for use by The Graduate School.
IPEDS Peer Comparison Dashboard
Research Team
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Collection of historical IPEDS data for Syracuse and peer schools.
Living Learning Communities Survey dashboard
Research Team
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Collection of historical IPEDS data for Syracuse and peer schools.
IR Current Enrollment Dashboard
Institutional Reporting Team
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Daily update of the total campus IPEDS-reportable enrollment headcount with the ability to itemize by various characteristics. Specific viewers may also have the ability to download unit-level detail for added review or audit purposes.
IR Student Experience Data Explorer Dashboard
Research Team
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Data collected since 2015 in the Orange Survey and National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).
IR Transfer Student Survey
Research Team
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The Transfer Student Survey dashboard displays findings from the 2023 and 2024 Transfer Student Survey.
Undergraduate Admissions Recruitment Archived Terms Dashboard
Admissions Reporting Team and Research Team
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Undergraduate admissions recruitment funnel data for fall 2018 through fall 2021 recruitment cycles.