DataInsights In-Progress Dashboard Projects

The following list of dashboards are currently being developed. Access to these dashboards will be available after they are published.

Please be aware that access to any IR DataInsights dashboard is limited to users with a legitimate need for the data to perform University business. 

15 to Finish Dashboard
Research Team
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Aggregated data on student credit progress towards degree over time.

LLC Student Experience Data Explorer
DI Team
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This dashboard is a subset of the Student Experience Data Explorer, providing a more focused view of Orange Survey data for the Living Learning Communities office.

IR DI Content Utilization Tracker
DI Team
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Tracks the content, permissions, and usage of content on the DataInsights server; also incorporates information about future content.

IR Fall Census Enrollment by Program/Plan
Institutional Reporting Team
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Detailed counts of IPEDS Fall Census Enrollment data with a focus on the majors, academic departments, and CIP codes.

IR Graduate Admissions Dashboard
Admissions Reporting Team
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Summary of graduate application, admission, and matriculation by school/college to include Shiny app re-development, Blackboard Analytics replacement, and Admissions Dashboard Prototype replacement.

IR IPEDS Completions
Institutional Reporting Team
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Ten years of official IPEDS Completions data with detail by school/college, major, CIP code, and some demographic information.

IR University 6YR Per-Term Census Enrollment
Institutional Reporting Team
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Six years of data on “non-traditional” enrollment with an emphasis on students in the College of Professional Studies or who are part-time, online, etc.

Program Review Dashboard
Institutional Reporting Team
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Data to be used as part of the ongoing program review process run by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment.

School/College Riverplot Dashboard
Research Team
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Information about how many students transfer between schools/colleges each semester, where they come from, and where they go to.